Why Entrepreneurs Fail
Leadership Alex Drew Leadership Alex Drew

Why Entrepreneurs Fail

Throughout my short but sharp life, I've come across more counterfeit entrepreneurs than authentic real ones.

This is a disappointing reality, but as the classic movie Robocop reminded us, "that's life in a big city".

In truth, I can see the attraction, built on the jelly walls of silicon valley. The freedom to work from a villa with splashing water and the handcuff release of 9-5 is undeniably attractive. But the truth is very different. Twenty two hard long days in a row, followed by one good day is the gold standard. 

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Sun Tzu’s The Art of Giving
Business, Leadership, team development Alex Drew Business, Leadership, team development Alex Drew

Sun Tzu’s The Art of Giving

It was many centuries ago, that I was first introduced to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Young, wide-eyed and inquisitive it opened my mind to the sophistication, yet simplicity of conflict.

Fast forward on the tape and you’ll find yourself, feet floating, in a world that is as stable as ever.

Recently two of our newest team members at Evolutio who have made me realise an important point in how we got to where we are today. A position where we’re lucky enough to have treated over two thousand clients here in Melbourne over the past four years.

That point, is the art of giving.

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Trust(ing) the Process: Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Trust(ing) the Process: Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Okay, so, now it's my turn to blog and I'm going to be a bad cop to Phill's good cop.

If you've been into the clinic or met us you'll you know that these are pretty obvious roles for us – his hair is higher, he smiles a lot and he has less of a tendency to go off on elaborate angry rants for unclear reasons.

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