Melbourne Sports Physio | Sports Medicine | Richmond Physiotherapy Clinic - Evolutio

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Co Working. Building an Exceptional Health Industry Together


(and no, you don’t have to be a physio or a pod!)

As we prepare to relocate, we not only want to redefine what it means to deliver the best service Melbourne has seen when it comes to Sport Medicine, we also want to stamp our mark in the fast moving and ever growing Health and Fitness Industry.

Mid May will see us relocating from our current 2 locations in Kew and South Yarra to a more central purpose built location in Richmond....but we don’t want to end up just being another Sports Medicine Clinic in Melbourne…we are going to do things a little differently!  

As our fearless leader Alex Drew has already eluded to in his “Memoirs of a Clinic Director” post last week, we will be including in our new location a reception area which will also serve as a Co-Work space for our clients and also young budding entrepreneurs in the industry.

"We believe in collaboration not competition"



In an age of entrepreneurship and small business ownership, we are seeing more people step out of their comfort zones… Sometimes leaving well-paid 9 to 5 jobs to pursue a passion or a start-up idea.

Technology has also evolved so much that we see working away from the typical set up that would constitute an “office”, become more popular… no longer are we tied to a desk with a landline that’s plugged into the wall!

But with that comes the negative effects of working alone from the confines of a bedroom office or your dining table.

Sure, its great for the first month or so but soon enough, motivation wanes and you end up feeling like there is no boundary between “work time” and “down time” – you either don’t ever feel like you’ve left the office (leaving you unable to unwind) or the calls of domestic chores and distractions give you more excuses to procrastinate and leaves you feeling unproductive and uninspired.

The Co-Work Space is a popular solution for some of these issues… but there are so many more benefits than just solving the “Nigel-no mates at work” problem…especially at Evolutio HQ!

A recent survey on co-working showed that those working in co-work spaces feel more motivated (88%), have better interaction with other people (88%), can organise their day so they can relax more at home (60%) and at least 42% even reported an increase in income [1]



Firstly, operating out of 2 different clinics meant that our team hardly saw each other. We made do with daily banter in our WhatsApp group and fortnightly professional and business development meetings. We noticed that we always left these meetings feeling energised and inspired by each other’s company, ideas and support …

I often wished we could bottle this and share it …(and now we have!  Well, sort of…)

It was a no brainer that in order for us to move forward in our bid to take over the world, we needed to be together as a team on a daily basis to really pick up some momentum. 

This can apply to YOU as well…being surrounded by like-minded individuals from different walks of life with different skills and experiences could help your business or start up idea in ways we cannot even start to imagine!



Our reception area will include a large bespoke dining table to hot-desk at…AND because we’re “ergonomically aware”, you can also choose to utilise the floating bench if you prefer a more in-vogue style of standing to work.

WIFI, tea/coffee and kitchen facilities will be a given as part of the package AND because we advocate exercise to be part of a healthy lifestyle and to boost productivity, you will also have access to our gym downstairs if you feel the need to bench during your break! If benching ain’t your thing- our dining table happens to be exactly the same size as a table tennis table, so perhaps a cheeky lunchtime tourney with the crew will get the blood flow to the brain going.

There will be a Seth Godin inspired room that you can book for meetings or quiet time and an area to foam roll or stretch should you wish to just chill out.

End of the week will finish with Friday night beers or if I have any say, maybe a scotch or two!

So if you're an entrepreneur, starting out on your own, or moving from a full time job into your own line of work. We can offer you more than work space, we can offer an environment which will help to stimulate creativity and can provide ongoing mentoring from a team that's been in your shoes.

So….do you want to come and work with us?

Enquire here:




1.           Foertsch, C. Why Co-workers like their Co-working Spaces. 2010; Available from:


Jac is one of the best known Physio's out in the Melbourne Sports and CrossFit market. She comes from an experienced background in Sports Physiotherapy through many years working in London and Melbourne.

She has a wicked eye for Analyzing Movement and Biomechanics. Jac is also a coach at CrossFit U in West Melbourne and works out of our South Yarra clinic at GW Performance on Mondays and Thursdays, Kew on Tuesdays. 


Bookings with Jac can be made here