Fascia, Tensegrity & The Continuous Ambush of Tension
Fitness Training Peta Glaister Fitness Training Peta Glaister

Fascia, Tensegrity & The Continuous Ambush of Tension

Now I’m not casting aspersions on any childhood songs in particular, but we have a tendency to imagine the body in movement as a rigid frame being pulled on by distinct muscles to produce specific joint actions. eg: the hamstrings pull on the shin bones to produce knee flexion. While this is not technically incorrect, are we sure this is the best way to view and address human movement?

If we were talking about robots, then I think it would be a fine. In that case, treating any pain or dysfunction would be more a case of finding the part that wasn’t working and fixing the hydraulics at that joint.

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Law, Order & Pressing a Case for Kettlebell Strength
Physiotherapy Bayden Campbell Physiotherapy Bayden Campbell

Law, Order & Pressing a Case for Kettlebell Strength

Most people know what the rotator cuff is, and most know that with the majority of shoulder injuries there should be an element for rotator cuff strengthening in their rehab program.  The majority of clients are pretty savvy too, and they know they should add some release work around their shoulder and work on some thoracic mobility, which is great! Some clients come to us and they reel off all the exercises they are doing for their rehab and what they are doing actually sounds pretty good. So the question is, why aren’t they getting better? Most of the time it's because the quality or intensity of their rehab isn’t up to scratch. This brings me back to my last blog on about quality being the key factor that can make or break your rehab. (Link to Last Blog)

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21,000 Reps vs 30
Physiotherapy Bayden Campbell Physiotherapy Bayden Campbell

21,000 Reps vs 30

We breathe on average about 21,000 times a day. Now, what if we are not breathing correctly? That’s a lot of times in one day to do something wrong. There’s various ways to breathe: mouth V nasal, chest V abdominal. Some good, some not so good. If our breathing pattern is not “normal”, then we will struggle to normalise any of our other movement patterns.

Optimal oxygenation occurs through nasal breathing. We should be doing this 99% of the time. Mouth breathing is associated with “fight or flight”, whereas nasal breathing is associated with “rest and digest”. Basically we want to convince our brain that it is in a “rest and digest” state a majority of the time to reap the benefits. Nasal breathing reassures our subconscious we are safe. We need to turn nasal breathing into a habit. This can be tricky at first, but we will explain how and why you should be doing this below.

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Bad Squats are the Reason your Knee Hurts

Have you heard the old adage of ‘Practice makes Perfect’? Most people have. When learning a new skill or movement at the gym you need to spend time ‘under the bar’, or breaking a movement down into parts and then piecing them back together. This adage is true - you get better at what you practice, and if you practice perfectly, you get better at performing perfectly.

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Goal Setting Alex Drew Goal Setting Alex Drew


Remember when the year 2000 was upon us and all the talk was about the Y2K bug, we’d posse up at the beach at Rottnest island in W.A with our four lemon ruskis, listening to silverchair bang out another hit and talk about how the world was about to fall apart.

Now we’re in the year 2017 and silverchair are long gone. Although check your back garden because Daniel Johns might be sleeping there.

As they say, sometimes the days are long but the years go quick.

This time of the year is an interesting one from a business perspective. At the end of 2016, I sat down one on one with each of my staff, talked through their year and tried to plant the seed in their mind, for them to think about their own vision and how we fit into that picture. I wanted my staff to spend at least 15 hours on their own over the break to reflect and realign themselves if necessary.

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competition Alex Drew competition Alex Drew

Winner of the Evolutio 2016 Annual Coaches Competition

On a typical vulnerable spring day in November 2013, we first came up with the idea of searching for Melbourne's best CrossFit coach. So we fluttered the concept past you, our readers and supporters to see if you would want to nominate someone for going above and beyond their call of duty.

Since then, we've had over 200 nominations and 70 coaches from Melbourne nominated.

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Annual 2016 Coaches Compeitition
Coaching Alex Drew Coaching Alex Drew

Annual 2016 Coaches Compeitition

It’s that time of the year again…We want to find this year’s Coach of the Year and its your chance to nominate a worthy candidate!


Criteria for eligibility:


1)     Your Coach knows their sh*t !


They are forever learning, (secretly a geek underneath all that active wear) researching, reading and refining their methods.  You may see them frequenting workshops, collaborating with other coaches and health professionals or even buried in books and articles to ensure that you are receiving the most up to date information about everything there is to know to make you a better athlete! 

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 What it means to Collaborate in the Health and Fitness Industry
Physiotherapy, WorkSpace Melbourne Alex Drew Physiotherapy, WorkSpace Melbourne Alex Drew

What it means to Collaborate in the Health and Fitness Industry

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't"

Short of this sounding like “memoirs of a physio geek”, my intention for this blog post was more to express my personal insight into what it takes to be a health practitioner in today’s modern world where information acquisition is as easy as pushing a button and asking: “Siri, why do I have elbow pain?”

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