Why You’re Unable to Hit Depth in your Squat

Hacks don’t work. You need to work!  

I’m now officially (and always have been) the oldest person working at Evolutio. Safe to say I’ve been around the physio block a couple of times and have seen and worked with a range of peeps, made a few mistakes, learnt from those mistakes and had a few wins too.

As a physio, the one thing I am proud of is that our profession understands the value of giving things time and a bit of hard work when it comes to recovery from injury or improving performance. There are no quick fixes in the physio realm and those who come expecting instant results are either respectfully corrected…or they don’t come back (‘till they have spent time trying everything else and realise that maybe the physio was right after all!)

Some of the take-homes from this interview are that technology, social media and participation certificates are now producing a generation that expect instant gratification and results without actually even putting in any work.

Everyone is looking for that “hack”

The same can be said about ones expectations when it comes to changing biomechanics and movement.


Here’s a common one I see:

Problem - Unable to hit depth during a squat because of stiff ankles

Hack - Lifting shoes or weight plates under heels

Fixed - Depth

Not fixed - Ankle mobility


But what about all those “Hack your squat in one day” workshops or “Fix your shoulder pain with one simple trick” articles?!? Are these of any value?

Yes, to some degree. They give you some guidance and a place to start- they get you pumped and excited as they fill you with new knowledge bombs and skills…but the goals will only be achieved when you put the hard work in.

So….Don’t be fooled by the quick fixes. At the end of the day, tissues need time to be moulded, the brain needs time to learn new movement patterns. Here's an article Bayden one of our other jet physios wrote recently , your body needs consistency to adapt, improve, get stronger.

At Evolutio, you’re guaranteed an individualised approach to your rehab. We will see you as much or as little as your body needs to recover, we will design an individualised rehab program just for you (you can even choose your own music in the gym to accompany your workout). No machines here. No cookie cutter programming. Just honest to goodness physio.



Why do I have Tensor Fasciae Latae pain?


Peace & Love